The Shaping Force…

“Geography as a shaping force…” The landscape and environment in which we live shape how we think about and relate to the world. They also shape our bodies by asserting forces that affect how we move through the world. Think of the differences between New York City and a farm for example (I’m hosting movement events in b

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Patrick HoganComment
Breaking Through the Ice (Is this stupid or fun?)

Back in the morning of a cold, but sunny day in January, I got a crazy idea. I’d seen people do this on the internet (which is a trusted source for wise and safe counsel) and thought, “That looks like fun, I’m sure I can do that.”Sometimes you get an urge to do something followed by a voice in your head that says “Am I going to regret this?”
I’m wondering if there’s a better way to know the answer to that question that’s not totally reliant on hindsight… Let’s continue…

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Show Up Anyway

Sometimes it's cold and raining and it's so easy to give in to the inertia justifying "the conditions aren't right. Not today. I'll do it later." But most often, if I show up anyway, I find that even the cold and rain and ice are magical experiences. ⁠

It's not the external conditions that matter (most often) but the internal experience that guides the outcome…

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What's your limit? Intentions and boundaries in the cold and beyond

I’m a little embarrassed to say this… but I pushed too far… Twice.
I gave myself frostbite. A mild case. You may call it “frost nip”. I don’t even think I knew I did it at the time, but a week or two later, the skin peeled off a few of my toes…
How did this happen?
What are the limits?
What I know for sure…
and the process for action that I’m currently developing…

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You don’t have to….

So much in our culture preys on the idea that our bodies and nature are wrong - that they are something to be overcome and conquered. I pray we overcome those teachings and learn to listen to ourselves and nature once again….

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Patrick HoganComment
Aligned Life Coaching

How we move can have a big impact on how we experience life. Also, how we experience life (through our thoughts, beliefs, lifestyle, and habits) can have a big impact on how we move.

Because movement and life are so intertwined, I have begun the journey of becoming a life coach in addition to being a movement coach.

“What’s life coaching all about?”, You may ask…. Read on for my thoughts on what it is and why it can help. And feel free to ask any questions or sign up for a session!

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Breaking Social Media? Or Taking a Social Media Break?

Although I do my best to share what I can with the community on social media, part of my message is also this:
Don’t worry about maintaining a presence online if you’re out living your life and being present in the moment.
Don’t worry about how you’re perceived if you’re feeling good in your body with what you’re doing.
Being in alignment with your body and life is not always what culturally looks good but what helps you function best.
Are you breaking social media? Or taking a break from social media?

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Patrick Hogan Comments
Do we really need movement education?

I often think of learning movement skills like learning a new language. there’s many components and moves that are like the alphabet and vocabulary. Eventually you learn to string them together in a coherent or effective structure. this is often called flow… So should we learn to move through structured schooling or should we learn through “just doing”- copying, experimenting and being in motion?

The catch as I see it is we are not coming to “movement school” from an infant's stage.

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Patrick Hogan Comments
Be Fit to Be Helpful

A beautiful saying in the Natural Movement movement is “Be Fit to be Useful”. It suggests that our fitness isn’t for its own sake but becomes applicable in the actions we take in the world.
The amazing fact is that with some awareness and practice, the actions we take in the world will also make us more fit! This is an example of “stacking” - where one activity can serve multiple purposes.
I’d love to put this in action with some meetups in the coming months!

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Aligning with the Anti-Racist Movement

I’ve been listening to what others have been saying and I hear that silence is not an option if you wish to align with justice, peace, equality, health and love. I hear that it’s no longer enough to know within yourself that you are not racist (although, to some extent, most of us certainly are) but for any meaningful change to occur it is now necessary to be anti-racist…

The name of my site for my movement coaching is “In Aligned Movement”. This has been about movement and alignment of the body. It also incorporates aligning how you wish to move through life. Now, I see it could also be about aligning with social movements as well…

I’m not sure how I will accomplish this, but here’s a start…

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Patrick HoganComment
While You walk - a project proposal

I have a proposal for you all!

Would you like to join me for a walk?

What I’m envisioning:

Specifically, I am embarking upon the creation of an E-course that guides us toward better health through walking.

But instead of giving you exercises to do while at home or at a gym, I’d like this to be something you can take with you out on your walk….

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Aligned Home Movement

Our modern habitats are an evolutionary mismatch with the requirements for our bodies’ health.

We try to offset the dearth of movement in our lives through exercise. Exercise is good and fun and helpful. However, the amount of time spent exercising cannot outweigh the amount of time spent in an environment that encourages sedentarism (an inactive lifestyle). It’s just a numbers game…

But what if we could change the paradigm? What if we could rethink the need for and repurpose the use of our furniture? What if we became aware of the need for more movement and then saw the opportunities for movement all around us?

This was the intention of this instagram challenge: To start a discussion and look at how we may change our home environment to one that encourages health in our bodies…

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Self Care: The challenge and 5 tips for your routine

In this era, when all our routines are up-ended and even some of our livelihoods are in question, what do we do to maintain our wellbeing? Do we deal with stress and uncertainty by binging on food, substances, netflix, sleep? When are those things appropriate for “letting go” and relieving stress or when are those things distractions and/or even self-abuse?
I wanted to provide a space to offer self-care rituals, tips, and routines for our well-being. I was curious what I could offer and what others do to keep centered, their energy balanced, and spirits high. I wanted to bring to the conversation how fitness is only a small part of our self-care (just like “exercise” is only a small part of movement).
Here’s what I explored, learned, left out, and my 5 tips for developing a self-care routine

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Patrick HoganComment
"The World was Made to be Free In"

If we can first see that the set-up of society may itself be sick, I think that’s a profound first step toward finding true solutions?

But what then?

I’m writing at the time of social distancing during the Corona Virus epidemic, and like many, I’m finding myself at home, without my regular work schedule, and at first I started to scramble to recreate my usual schedule with even extra appointments and classes online. The process of that felt overwhelming and brought up lots of anxiety.

Then I remembered a line from a poem by David Whyte: “This world was made to be free in…”

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Patrick HoganComment